Search using Azure open ai embeddings using Azure Machine learning.
2 min readFeb 25, 2023
Efficient Embedding Search for Natural Language Queries
- use open ai and create embedding
- Search columns based on embeddings
- Demo application
- Restrict 40 rows to azure open ai API
install packages
pip install tiktoken
pip install openai
- Create encoding for gpt2 to get tokens
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2")
- Read the data
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_json('sample.json')
- model configuration
model = 'text-similarity-ada-001'
- Now configure open ai services
import os
import openai
import pandas as pd
openai.api_type = "azure"
openai.api_base = ""
openai.api_version = "2022-12-01"
openai.api_key = "key"
- convert data to dataframe
dfcontent = pd.DataFrame(df["content"])
dfcontent = pd.DataFrame(df)
- Normilize the data
# s is input text
def normalize_text(s, sep_token = " \n "):
s = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', s).strip()
s = re.sub(r". ,","",s)
# remove all instances of multiple spaces
s = s.replace("..",".")
s = s.replace(". .",".")
s = s.replace("\n", "")
s = s.strip()
return s
dfcontent['content'] = dfcontent["content"].apply(lambda x : normalize_text(x))
- now to get tokens
import openai
import re
import requests
import sys
from num2words import num2words
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from openai.embeddings_utils import get_embedding, cosine_similarity
from transformers import GPT2TokenizerFast
- Calculate tokens
tokenizer = GPT2TokenizerFast.from_pretrained("gpt2")
dfcontent['n_tokens'] = dfcontent["content"].apply(lambda x: len(tokenizer.encode(x)))
dfcontent = dfcontent[dfcontent.n_tokens<2000]
- now filter the dataset to 40 rows
dfcontent1 = dfcontent.iloc[:40].copy()
- Create Embeddings
dfcontent1['curie_search'] = dfcontent1["content"].apply(lambda x : get_embedding(x, engine = 'text-similarity-ada-001'))
- Now create a function to search the embeddings
# search through the reviews for a specific product
def search_docs(df, user_query, top_n=3, to_print=True):
embedding = get_embedding(
df["similarities"] = df.curie_search.apply(lambda x: cosine_similarity(x, embedding))
res = (
df.sort_values("similarities", ascending=False)
if to_print:
return res
res = search_docs(dfcontent1, "how to create service principal?", top_n=4)
- Display results for one row
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