Using custom document with LLM (Azure Open AI/Open AI)

Balamurugan Balakreshnan
2 min readMay 13, 2023


Use Case

  • Do we need fine tuning?
  • In most cases answer is no
  • Large Language models can be used as is
  • How to consume my companies document and use it for LLM?
  • How do i use my own documents with Azure Open AI


  • In this article we will see how to use custom document with LLM (Azure Open AI/Open AI)
  • 2 different process
  • First is a batch process to create embeddings of the custom documents
  • Second is a real time process to search the custom documents
  • Second process can be either chat gpt style or GPT 3 (QnA style)
  • Goal here is to clarify the process and not the code
  • Not every use case needs fine tuning


  • Here is the architecture
  • Process defined end to end for high level understanding


Batch Process

  • First get all the documents to be used for LLM
  • Prefer bring a central storage like blob storage
  • You can also split the sources and do each source at a time
  • Documents can be in word, pdf, txt, html, etc
  • Run the documents through a process to split pages, This helps in chunking the document
  • Then chunk the document to 1500 characters (Only if the document is large)
  • Then use Azure Open AI embedding api’s to get the embeddings for the chunked documents
  • Save the chunked documents and embeddings vector database or vector search
  • Repeat the process for all data sources which needs to be provided for search
  • Batch duration depends on how source documents are changed and make your decision how often to run the batch process

User Interaction Process

  • User interacts with the system
  • They might have a nice UI or a chat bot
  • User interactions are done using natural language
  • First the user types some question in natural language
  • First if the text is large, try to chunk it to 1500 characters
  • Then send that to Azure Open AI embedding api’s to get the embeddings for the chunked documents
  • Next send the vector to Vector Search or DB to get the top 10 documents
  • Now you can also retrieve the text associated with chunk and display
  • Take top 5 documents and send it to Azure Open AI to Summarize and provide only the summary

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